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Children's Ministry

Children's Ministry is for birth through grade sixth and their families. We want children to come to know Jesus, grow in their friendship with Jesus, and take what they have learned and share it with others.  There is a Children's Church, nursery, pre-kindergarten class, primary class, middler class, junior class, kid's choir, Bible Quizzing, and many fun activities throughout the year.  It is also a place where families and volunteers can find a place of ministry.


Youth Ministry is for students, grades 6-12, who love to have fun, worship together, and make new friends.  It is a place to learn about God, grow together, and reach out to others.  Fellowship, concerts, camps, outings, sport's competitions, and overnight outings are among the many types of fun activities that the student's enjoy together. This is a group that would love to connect and be part of the action. 

Young Adult Ministry

Young Adult Ministry includes both college and career young adults. This is an active group that enjoys reaching out to others with the gospel. They have weekly times of worship, fellowship, and many fun activies. They welcome the opportunity to reach out to others, and include them in their times of worship and fellowship.

Worship Arts

Worship Arts Ministry includes a praise band, sanctuary choir, special singers, and instrumentalists.  The Worship Arts Ministry is always looking for people who play a musical instrument, or have a singing talent. Worship ministry participants enjoy rehearsing, performing, worshipping and serving God together. We invite you to come check us out.

Senior Adult Ministry

Senior Adult Ministry offers a wide variety of fellowship, worship, and ministry opportunities for those that are 55 years of age and older.  Outings, meeting to eat and fellowship, and traveling to concerts are among the many activites that are available for the senior adults.

Men's Ministry

Men's Ministry is for men who are committed to stand in gap and be leaders in our church, our homes, and in the community. Activities such as golf outings, baseball games, and service projects provide opportunities to have fun and build unity. Most of the men have similar hopes and struggles, and they value times of meaningful fellowship. By working, playing, laughing, and enjoying life together, we can hold each other accountable for living in a way that honors God.

Women's Ministry

Women's Ministry offers an opportunity for the women of the church to fellowship and grow in Christ together.  Shopping trips, Bible studies, and dinners are among some of the many activities that are available for the women.  It is an opportunity to strengthen and develop relationship with other women who have similar struggles and walks of life.  Come and be a part of one of the many activities.

Mission's Ministry

Mission's Ministry offers an opportunity to be Jesus' hands and feet in our community, and throughout the world.  This ministry includes local and international Work & Witness programs, student and adult mission events.  For those who cannot go and participate, there are opporturnities to support financially. Support World Evangelism by participating in Mission's Ministry.

1727 Grand Avenue
New Castle, IN 47362

Sunday School - Sundays 9:30 am
Morning Worship - Sundays 10:30 am
Youth Ministries/Merge - Wednesdays 7:00 pm
Children's Ministries - Wednesdays 5:30 pm 




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